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Where does LanguageLine rank in the world of Language Service Providers?

Written by Kennedy Adamu | April 4, 2022


We are pleased to report that LanguageLine Solutions has been named among the world’s top language-services providers by two industry experts. The rankings come after a year in which LanguageLine made significant strides into relatively new areas, including both telehealth and innovative translation and localisation technology. Both lists recognised LanguageLine’s important innovation and record growth during a challenging time for many LSPs.


According to the Slator 2022 Language Service Provider Index, and Nimdzi’s Top 100 LSPs, LanguageLine is now the third-largest LSP worldwide. LanguageLine has long been the world’s top provider of interpretation services, both on-demand and onsite. The Slator and Nimdzi lists consider all lines of business, including interpretationtranslationlocalisation and testing and training. 


The past two years have been rigorous ones for businesses like LanguageLine. LSPs have been essential in lowering language and cultural barriers during the pandemic and other critical historical moments. One might say that professional linguists have become a different type of frontline worker.


“It is a testament to our entire team that we have emerged from the past two years as a healthier, more vibrant, and more cohesive company,” LanguageLine President and CEO Scott W. Klein said. “We are enormously grateful to both Slator and Nimdzi for recognising our efforts. We take our leadership role seriously and aim to set a tone for the industry that models inclusivity and the empowerment of all people’.


“At the start of the pandemic, I told our team: this is not a moment any of us would have chosen, but we have been chosen for this moment. They rose to the occasion and the innovation that came from that period is a big reason we are in this position today. Today we are looking ahead to a very hopeful future.”


The surveys considered more than three hundred companies in total. In Slator’s case, more than one hundred new LSPs debuted on their list. “We’re keenly aware that the LSP space will become even more attractive to new competitors in the years to come,” Klein said. “It is up to us to continue to innovate in pursuit of a world in which language and cultural barriers no longer exist’.


“We are well positioned to continue our growth. The key to remaining a leader is evolution. We cannot wait to take more bold steps in the coming year.”


About LanguageLine Solutions

LanguageLine has been the world leader in innovative language-access solutions since 1982. The company sets the global standard for phone, video, and onsite interpreting and translation, localisation, and testing and training for bilingual staff and interpreters. LanguageLine is trusted by more than 30,000 clients to enable communication with limited English proficient, Deaf, and Hard-of-Hearing communities.


LanguageLine provides the industry’s fastest and most dependable access to over 16,000 professional linguists in more than 240 languages - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Language-services providers help ensure justice, save lives, welcome new-borns, and build futures. We are enthusiastic about seeing people smile when they are understood, and their voice is fully heard. This is the experience for which we live.


Language access is more than transactional. It is not the mere exchanging of words, much as one would exchange one currency for another. When done right, language access is transformational, both for our clients and the communities they serve.