
LanguageLine is excited to return as a sponsor for Welcoming Interactive 2024, happening April 10-12 in Dallas. This conference brings together a powerful network – local governments, non-profit organizations, community leaders, and more – all united in a common goal:  increasing the inclusion of immigrants across the United States.


Welcoming Interactive focuses on critical areas like economic development, civic engagement, and education, featuring expert discussions and presentations that showcase successful collaboration and innovative approaches to fostering inclusion. The conference theme resonates deeply with LanguageLine's mission, as we recognize that effective communication is the cornerstone of an inclusive society.


CASE STUDY: One of the World’s Most Diverse Cities Calls LanguageLine In An Emergency


Language barriers can be profoundly isolating, hindering an immigrant's ability to thrive in their new community.  Clear communication, on the other hand, empowers these individuals with the information they need to navigate daily life, access essential services, and build a successful future.


The positive impact of immigrant inclusion extends far beyond the individual. A February report by the Department of Health and Human Services analyzed data from 2005-2019 and found that refugees, and asylees generated a net fiscal benefit of $123.8 billion over a 14-year period.


CASE STUDY: Thanks to LanguageLine DirectResponse, the First Voice a Parent Hears Is In Their Native Language


LanguageLine is proud to support the Welcoming movement by championing improved language access. We believe in opening doors, creating opportunities, and fostering understanding at the very moments it's needed most.


LanguageLine Can Help


LanguageLine is proud to play a vital role in supporting the organizations that assist immigrants as they adjust to life in North America. Here's a closer look at the ways we break down language barriers and facilitate clear communication:

  • On-Demand Interpreting Services: We offer a vast network of professional interpreters in over 240 languages, including rare and uncommon languages. This ensures effective communication in critical settings like healthcare appointments, legal aid, community service interactions, and communication with government agencies.
  • Translation of Essential Documents: LanguageLine translates vital content – legal documents, educational materials, health information, and government program information – into the native languages diverse communities. This promotes better understanding of procedures, regulations, and eligibility requirements.
  • Culturally Competent Services: Our interpreters and translators are not just language experts; they are also culturally competent. This means they understand and respect the nuances of different cultures, ensuring accurate and culturally sensitive communication during interpretation and translation.
  • Education and Employment Support: LanguageLine bridges the communication gap in educational settings and employment services. This empowers newcomers to pursue educational opportunities and secure jobs, both crucial steps towards successful integration.
  • Access to Public Services and Assistance: We remove language barriers when it comes to accessing public assistance programs, housing, and other community services.  Eligible applicants can gain a clear understanding of eligibility requirements, application processes, and available benefits, regardless of language spoken.
  • Emergency and Crisis Support: In times of crisis, immediate access to interpreters can be lifesaving. LanguageLine's ability to connect people with interpreters quickly can make a world of difference during emergencies.
  • Healthcare Accessibility: Effective communication with healthcare providers is fundamental to the well-being of everyone.  LanguageLine's healthcare interpreting services ensure accurate and confidential communication, promoting better health outcomes for underserved communities.
  • Legal and Immigration Services: Navigating the U.S. legal and immigration system can be complex. LanguageLine’s interpreting and translation services help refugees and asylees understand their rights, responsibilities, and the intricacies of immigration proceedings.

By providing these comprehensive services, LanguageLine plays a significant role in smoothing the path for immigrants, refugees, and asylees as they integrate into American society. We empower them to become self-sufficient, informed, and engaged members of their new communities.


Join Us at Welcoming Interactive 2024


LanguageLine looks forward to connecting with you at Welcoming Interactive 2024,


Visit our booth to learn more about our services and how we can support your organization's immigrant inclusion efforts. Together, let's build a more welcoming and inclusive future for all.


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