LanguageLine Blog

Study: U.S. Non-English Speakers Have Tripled in 40 Years

Written by The LanguageLine Solutions Team | July 7, 2023

Language and culture are vital subjects in modern society. Each week, LanguageLine curates three related stories that we think should be top-of-mind. Here are this week's "Liner Notes."

The linguistic landscape of the United States has undergone significant changes in the past four decades, as highlighted by recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The number of individuals who speak a language other than English at home, primarily Spanish, has nearly tripled during this period, reflecting the profound impact of immigration from Latin America and Asia on the nation's linguistic diversity.

According to the report, approximately 67.8 million people, or nearly 1 in 5 individuals, spoke a language other than English in 2019. This represents a substantial increase from the 23.1 million reported in 1980, when the proportion was closer to 1 in 10. Among non-English languages, Spanish emerged as the most commonly spoken, with 62% of individuals using it in their homes.

The growth in Spanish speakers is particularly noteworthy, rising from 11 million in 1980 to 30.6 million in 2019. It is interesting to note that 55% of Spanish speakers are U.S.-born, indicating the influence of generational shifts and the development of bilingual households.

These findings underscore the importance of language accessibility and the need for interpretation and translation services in various sectors. As the linguistic landscape continues to evolve, it becomes crucial for businesses, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and government agencies to ensure effective communication with diverse communities. By embracing multilingualism and implementing language services, organizations can bridge language barriers, foster inclusivity, and better serve the needs of an increasingly diverse population.

The changing linguistic demographics of the United States call for a proactive approach to language access, recognizing that linguistic diversity is a valuable asset that contributes to the cultural fabric and economic prosperity of the nation.

Full article: Axios

Hispanics Are Now Largest Demographic Group in Texas

The U.S. Census Bureau released new population estimates on Thursday that show Hispanics have become the largest demographic group in Texas, surpassing non-Hispanic whites.

The estimates show that Hispanics now make up 40.2% of the state's population, while non-Hispanic whites make up 39.8%. The remaining 19.9% of the population is made up of people of other races and ethnicities.

The new estimates confirm what many demographers have been predicting for years: that Texas is becoming a majority-minority state. The state's Hispanic population has been growing rapidly in recent years, while the non-Hispanic white population has been shrinking.

The growth of the Hispanic population is being driven by a number of factors, including immigration, high birth rates, and a young population. Hispanics are also more likely to live in urban areas, which are growing faster than rural areas.

The shift to a majority-minority state has a number of implications for Texas. It means that the state's political landscape is likely to become more diverse, as Hispanic voters become a larger share of the electorate. It also means that businesses and organizations will need to adapt to a more diverse population.

The new estimates are the latest in a series of demographic changes that have been transforming Texas in recent years. The state is becoming more diverse, more urbanized, and more educated. These changes are having a profound impact on the state's economy, politics, and culture.

Full article: Dallas Morning News

Bringing Indigenous Languages to Public Schools

Indigenous languages are facing extinction around the world, and the United States is no exception. In Washington state, only 5% of public school students are enrolled in indigenous language programs. This is despite the fact that there are over 200 indigenous languages spoken in the state.

There are a number of reasons why indigenous languages are disappearing. One reason is that indigenous people have been forced to assimilate into white culture, and this has often meant giving up their languages. Another reason is that indigenous languages are not seen as being as valuable as English.

There are a number of benefits to learning an indigenous language. One benefit is that it can help students to connect with their culture and heritage. Another benefit is that it can help students to develop bilingualism, which has been shown to have a number of cognitive benefits.

There are a number of things that can be done to help to preserve indigenous languages. One thing is to make indigenous language programs more widely available in public schools. Another thing is to provide more support for indigenous language speakers, such as by offering language classes and translation services.

There are a number of schools in Washington state that are doing a great job of incorporating indigenous languages into their curriculum. One example is Southworth Elementary School in Yelm, which offers a program in the Southern Lushootseed language. The program is taught by Naiomie Squally, who is a member of the Nisqually Tribe.

Squally says that the program has been very successful. She says that students who participate in the program have a better understanding of their culture and heritage. They also have a better understanding of the importance of language preservation.

The program at Southworth Elementary School is just one example of how indigenous languages can be incorporated into public schools. There are a number of other schools across the state that are doing similar work. These schools are helping to ensure that indigenous languages are not lost to future generations.

In addition to the points made in the article, it is also worth noting that there are a number of challenges to teaching indigenous languages in public schools. One challenge is that there is often a shortage of qualified teachers. Another challenge is that there is a lack of funding for indigenous language programs.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of schools that are committed to teaching indigenous languages. These schools are helping to ensure that indigenous languages are not lost to future generations. They are also helping to promote cultural understanding and respect.

The future of indigenous languages in the United States is uncertain. However, the schools that are teaching indigenous languages are giving hope for the future. These schools are showing that it is possible to preserve indigenous languages and cultures while also promoting English language acquisition.

Full article: NWPB